Our Community At Harbor
At Harbor Country Day School, diversity isn’t about simply recognizing who you are as a unique person, however. It is about acknowledging and exploring others’ points of view and creating, participating in, and sustaining a just, inclusive, and equal community, both on campus and out in the world. Harbor faculty and staff want students to realize that this is work for everyone: No matter who you are, you have a role to play in those efforts.
Harbor Country Day School seeks to encourage the voice of every community member and make education a means of celebrating diversity by acknowledging each individual’s unique qualities regardless of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, ability, religious affiliation, and political views.
Twice a year Harbor Country Day School publishes the Harbor Highlights newsletter which shares information about current events at school, current and past students, staff, and faculty, and fundraising updates.
To view the archive of these publications, please click the button below.